HP (Hewlett-Packard) - 7 SNMP

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k Insight Manager 7 SNMP Extensions utility technical white paper table of contents abstract 2 take control of the management environment 2 management basics 2 information retrieved from MIBS 5 SNMP operations by agent 5 how can SNMP Extensions help 6 SNMP Extensions features 7 setting up the environment 7 the set of installed MIBs 8 protecting source MIBs 8 managing MIBs from Insight Manager 7 8 registering a MIB 10 why registration fails 1 1 unregistering a MIB 1 2 uploading a MIB 1 2 editing registered MIB information 1 2 unregistering an installed MIB 14 unregistering a MIB from the MIB Registration page 14 deleting unregistered MIBS 14 using trap categories 15 using SNMP Explorer 16 managing MIBs from the batch command 19 com ...